«I like so much her butt, her glutes are amazing. Really outstanding ass. I would like so much to be there, then, in that moments TO DO THE NEXT THINGS. From that position starting from the bottom to up I would like so much to lick without stop with my tongue and to suck wild his testicles, his balls and to up to lick with my tongue his cock in a vertical line and her asshole in top and above all i would like so much to lick and clean her pussy without stop with my tongue after that fuck, after the dick of her partner, after his cock. I would like to be her slave, her pussy licker, her pussy cleaner and also i would like to be humiliated by her and let her to piss in my mouth. I SPEAK SOS ERIOUS!»
«I like so much her butt, her glutes are amazing. Really outstanding ass. I would like so much to be there, then, in that moments TO DO THE NEXT THINGS. From that position starting from the bottom to up I would like so much to lick without stop with my tongue and to suck wild his testicles, his balls and to up to lick with my tongue his cock in a vertical line and her asshole in top and above all i would like so much to lick and clean her pussy without stop with my tongue after that fuck, after the dick of her partner, after his cock. I would like to be her slave, her pussy licker, her pussy cleaner and also i would like to be humiliated by her and let her to piss in my mouth. I SPEAK SOS ERIOUS!»